Lightning Bar - Powered by FastBitcoins

Our Lightning Bar enables visitors to pay for drinks with Bitcoin via the Lightning network, showcasing its speed in real-world scenarios. As part of the Lightning Bar we've also created a range of custom Bitcoin themed drinks for guests to try!

As you may have guessed the Lightning Bar is priced in Bitcoin (Well Satoshis - What's a Satoshi you ask: Well a Satoshi is the smallest unit of the bitcoin currency). Don't worry if you aren't familiar with how Bitcoin works, as we do have printed menus which shows the GBP cost of all our drinks.

You will need a Lightning Wallet to try out the bar, you can find wallet links on our

We have two different Bitcoin PoS systems, the awesome FastBitcoins PoS and the awesome CoinCorner PoS (Which also allows us to accept payments via the BoltCard)

A beer paid for all the way from El Salvador!

Common Q&As

I don't know about Bitcoin or how to pay in it, can I order drinks and pay with my Card or with Cash? Yes, of course!

Can I buy a small amount of Bitcoin at the bar to test the Lightning bar? Yes, we have different options, please talk to the bar staff regarding this.

What does GBP stand for? (Yes we have been asked this!) It stands for Great British Pound

Do you accept both Layer-1 and Layer-2 payments? Yes, we do.